Troy FFA
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Today, there areĀ 523,309 FFA members, aged 12-21, in 7,487 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

  • 38% of FFA members are female; women hold more than 50% of state leadership positions
  • 75% of our membership is Caucasian; 11% is Hispanic and 4% is African-American
  • 89% of FFA members are in grades 9-12; 6% are in grades 7-8; 5% are high school graduates
  • 27% of FFA members live in rural farm areas; 39% live in rural non-farm areas with the remaining 34% of members living in urban and suburban areas
  • FFA chapters are in 16 of the 20 largest cities, including New York, Chicago and Philadelphia
  • The top five membership states are California, Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma and Missouri
  • The 2009 National FFA Convention was host to 53,473 members, FFA advisors and FFA supporters


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